The Amateur Seismology Package is a collection of programs, data files, and documentation which allows users of IBM compatible personal computers to load seismic data files and print seismograms using data files distributed by the author. The package includes the program "Seisgraph", a sample data file, and a user's manual which contains a list of sources of information for hobbyists who wish to build their own seismometer. The author does not request any support fees. The Package and associated data files are distributed via the EXEC-PC BBS (in the 'Mahoney MS-DOS Collection') and the NEIC BBS (in the AMSEIS file area). See AMSEIMAN.TXT for instructions on how to connect to these BBS systems. The Amateur Seismology Package is contained in the file AMSEIS12.ZIP (all files with the .ZIP extension have been compressed using the PKZIP utility). AMSEIS12.ZIP contains the user's manual (AMSEIMAN.TXT), Seisgraph executable (SG.EXE), and a sample data file (SAMPLE.DAT). AMSEIMAN.TXT is available separately. The file SEISBULL.TXT is also available for download. SEISBULL.TXT is used to provide a current list of the data files which have been uploaded and to communicate with users. As of 19 October 1992, the following event files have been uploaded to EXEC-PC and the NEIC BBS: File Name Size Origin Time (UTC), Magnitude, Epicenter ------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- 91062321.ZIP 48000 23 JUN 91 2122 6.4 MB, 26.802S 63.349W Argentina 91062405.ZIP 36992 24 JUN 91 0459 5.6 MB, 58.318N 137.008W SE Alaska 91062719.ZIP 29696 27 JUN 91 1943 5.6 Msz, 24.361N 108.233W Gulf of CA 91062814.ZIP 29824 28 JUN 91 1443 5.8 MB, 34.262N 118.002W S CA 91070411.ZIP 51328 04 JUL 91 1144 6.2 MB, 8.099S 124.681W Timor 91070612.ZIP 37632 06 JUL 91 1220 6.2 MB, 13.108S 72.187W Peru 91070906.ZIP 35200 09 JUL 91 0654 5.5 MB, 23.227N 65.524W North Atlantic 91071302.ZIP 80128 13 JUL 91 0250 6.2 MB, 42.182N 125.641W off OR coast 91071409.ZIP 51328 14 JUL 91 0909 6.4 MB, 36.334N 71.119E Afghan/USSR 91071707.ZIP 27392 17 JUL 91 0712 5.1 MB, 50.935N 130.162W Vancouver Is. 91081419.ZIP 59136 14 AUG 91 1915 6.1 MB, 13.593S 167.607E Vanuatu Is. 91081622.ZIP 40704 16 AUG 91 2226 5.5 MB, 41.697N 125.385W off N CA coast 91081719.ZIP 40960 17 AUG 91 1930 6.0 MB, 40.235N 124.348W N CA coast 91081722.ZIP 48512 17 AUG 91 2217 6.2 MB, 41.821N 125.397W off N CA coast 91101416.ZIP 61836 14 OCT 91 1558 7.3 Msz, 7.7S 159.1E Solomon Islands 91111922.ZIP 51878 19 NOV 91 2228 6.8 Msz, 4.8N 77.4 W West of Colombia 92030212.ZIP 52012 02 MAR 92 1229 6.6 Msz, 53.1N 160.1E E of Kamchatka 92031316.ZIP 38562 13 MAR 92 1601 6.1 MB, 52.8N 178.8W Aleutians 92031317.ZIP 69608 13 MAR 92 1718 6.8 Msz, 40.2N, 39.5E Turkey 92040613.ZIP 61651 04 APR 92 1355 6.0 MB, 50.775N 130.171W Vancouver Is. 92042304.ZIP 18762 23 APR 92 0450 6.0 Msz, 34.0N 116.9W S CA 92042518.ZIP 24453 25 APR 92 1806 6.9 Msz, 40.3N 124.1W N CA, 'Eureka' 92042607.ZIP 40136 26 APR 92 0742 5.9 MB, 40.309N 124.375W N CA aftshk 92042611.ZIP 31579 26 APR 92 1118 6.5 Msz, 40.4N 124.3W N CA aftshk 92051507.ZIP 59073 15 MAY 92 0705 7.1 Msz, 5.9S 147.3E E New Guinea Reg. 92051709.ZIP 97023 17 MAY 92 0949 6.8 Msz, 8.36N 127.02E Philippines "" 17 MAY 92 1016 7.3 Msz, 7.93N 127.32E Philippines 92052105.ZIP 17430 21 MAY 92 0500 5.2 Msz, 41.662N 88.729E China N Test? 92052705.ZIP 67591 27 MAY 92 0514 7.0 Msz, 10.7S 165.1E Santa Cruz Is. 92062811.ZIP 11519 28 JUN 92 1157 7.4 Msz, 34.2N 116.5W S CA 92071318.ZIP 28616 13 JUL 92 1812 6.2 MB, 3.9S 76.7W Northern Peru 92071808.ZIP 59126 18 JUL 92 0837 6.8 Msz, 39.3N 143.4E E of Honshu 92072007.ZIP 38497 20 JUL 92 074649 6.7 Msz, 78.8N 3.9E Greenland Sea 92080718.ZIP 38715 07 AUG 92 181918 6.5 Msz, 57.7N 143.0W Gulf of Alaska 92081006.ZIP 34289 10 AUG 92 060912 5.4 Msz, 11.3N 87.2W Near Coast of Nicaragua 92082101.ZIP 28066 21 AUG 92 010217 5.5 MB, 43.944N 128.361W Off Coast of Oregon 92082212.ZIP 26199 22 AUG 92 122042 4.8 MB, 40.0N 71.5W Off E. Coast of U.S. 92090200.ZIP 27024 02 SEP 92 001600 7.0 Msz, 11.808N 87.354W Near Coast of Nicaragua 92090210.ZIP 20130 02 SEP 92 102619 5.5 MB, 37.037N 113.488W Utah 92093005.ZIP 58630 30 SEP 92 053400 6.6 Msz, 51.256N 177.956W Aleutian Is. 92100307.ZIP 27361 03 OCT 92 073726 5.3 Msz, 27.445N 111.401W Gulf of California 92101815.ZIP 35952 18 OCT 92 151201 7.2 Msz, 6.9N 77.0W Near West Coast of Colombia The above epicenter information is from PDE or QED. Download the file QED.DOC from the Mahoney MS-DOS Collection or the NEIC SEIS (not AMSEIS) file area for information on how to connect to the QED service). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE: The NEIC BBS phone number has been changed to (303) 273-8508. I plan to upload files on Sunday evenings, usually after I have recorded two notable events. RKS